RPGaDay 23 – Coolest Looking RPG Product/Book (#RPGaDAY2023)

I suppose this one kind of boils down to personal preference. For me, the coolest books I have are probably the 7th Sea books. They’re great hardcover books, with fantastic art and I like the added touch that when the books are placed on the shelf, there is an image on the spine of the books that form a complete image when you have the full set (still working on mine).

As for a favourite product, I have to go back to the game that I wish I owned… Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok. I love the rune stone mechanic and how arranging the runes unlocks different potential as you play. It’s such a thematic and cool alternative to rolling dice.

I don’t have any extra cool dice of my own or anything of the sort, but out of the not-directly-related-to-the-game stuff I have, I think my favourite products that I actually own would be the Shadowrun and 7th Sea Tarot Decks. They are filled with cool and thematic art and while they aren’t used for the game in all cases, there are ways to employ them in the game (in 7th Sea they can be used as alternatives to dice and altering the fates during a scene. In Shadowrun, the Tarot tradition in 5th Ed can use the deck to summon spirits), so they aren’t totally superfluous.

So, there are some great extras out there and I only have a couple of them, but they certainly make for some cool show and tell pieces.

~ by 1nsomniac on August 23, 2023.

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