Diary of a Hero – Week 6

The fallout from last week’s media spectacle continues.  A co-worker I respect, Dr. Sofia Ruiz, was in the break room between procedures and was talking with one of our nurses.  I try not to make it a habit to eavesdrop on the conversations of others, but I heard a word that drew my attention: Halogen.  Sofia was talking about the news footage of my one-sided altercation with Blackout and then Nuke’s intervention.

“These so-called heroes think they’re above the law.  Rather than letting the cops deal with some guy that can only make things dark, two of these heroes show up and when the first proves ineffective, the other one just destroys a main street in a classic display of overkill.  I don’t know where these people get off, thinking they can just take the law into their own hands.”

I’m not going to lie, it felt deflating to hear someone I respect saying that I was ineffective and that I’m sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong.  I can’t refute the ineffective comment when it comes to Blackout, but so many people have no idea just how many dangerous villains are out there and the police are ill-equipped to deal with someone who can crush cars with a thought.  So many busts that are aided by heroes go uncredited, so the public has no idea how much heroes help out every day.  

It still sucks to hear my coworker mocking my efforts, even if she doesn’t realize that Halogen and I are one and the same.  Given the mocking graffiti I’ve seen around the city, the criminals of the city are mocking me as well.  I’m taking the night off for an evening of drinking with Carrie.  I’ll get back out there soon, but for now I just need to not think about my recent defeat.

~ by 1nsomniac on June 14, 2024.

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